YETEMThe Talent-Based Education Module (YETEM) program is implemented in our school. The Talent-Based Education Module implemented at our İncek campus is a program developed and implemented for İncek British Culture College students. It respects the freedom of learning unique to itself, with an understanding that recognizes that every child is unique. For this reason, it adopts the understanding that if the individual is educated in line with his interests, desires and skills, he can show a high level of performance in the fields he is talented. It is of the opinion that it supports academic success with the right application. In our school, it covers the training given in the fields of Science, Art and Sports under the name of the club on the weekends, within the course schedules during the week, in accordance with the age groups and development levels of our students.
For early age groups and development levels. according to Science; Robotics -Coding, Science-Nature,Art; Creative Drama, Ballet, Modern Dance, Body percussion, Piano, Orff, Painting, Mixed Media (Design), Ceramics, Wood, Ebru, Swimming, gymnastics, Chess lessons are given in the field of sports. >
Within the scope of the Talent-Based Education Module, while the scientific measurements based on certain values are applied, which gives us specific information about the Affinity and Suitability' status of our students during the term,, the interest of our students during the course is determined. , participation and skills are observed within certain parameters. Measurement results are evaluated in the process. In this way, the area where it will perform at the highest level is discovered together and the development process begins.